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Laravel - Storing notification settings per user with different channels

I am developing a fairly simple application, where I want my users to be able to subscribe to notifications. So the system should:

  • Send notifications when a certain event they are subscribed to happens.
  • Send notifications to the channels they have selected (email or slack)

Below is an example of different notifications they each user can subscribe to.

enter image description here

I am wondering how to do this using Laravel. My first idea was to:

  1. Create a notifications JSON column on the users table, and store it like (probably using the learnings from the Managing Mass User Settings lesson.)
  "todo": {
    "assigned": [
        "email": true,
        "slack": true
    "mentioned": [
        "email": true,
        "slack": true
  "project": {
    "created": [
        "email": true,
        "slack": true

However, I am unsure if this is good practice. Further, I am also a unsure on how to actually send out the notifications dynamically.

For sending it out, I want to use Laravels notification system:

Notification::send($user, new TodoCreated($todo));

I am not sure if this is the best way, or if it makes more sense to use an Event/Listener setup? A

Also, can I utilize the via() method on the Notification class to dynamically specify the channels according to the user settings?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.


  • I think a many-to-many relationship would be more suited to this.

     - id
     - id
    NotificationUser <-- pivot table
     - notifcation_id
     - user_id
     - channel_id
     - id
     - name 

    To account for these additional fields in the pivot table, define them in the User model relationship:

    class User extends Model
         * The roles that belong to the user.
        public function notifications()
            return $this->belongsToMany(Notification::class)->withPivot(['channel_id']);


    This way, you can advantage of the relationship methods that Laravel (eloquent) comes with.


    aUser->notifications(); # Getting a list of a user's notifications
    aUser->attach(1, ['channel' => 1]); # attaching a notification to the user

    You can also take advantage of query scopes to retrieve one channel of notifications for the user etc


    Then use the model/listener pattern as you had planned.