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How can I check mail is reply mail or simple mail using google api client?

$optParams['maxResults'] = 5; 

$optParams['labelIds'] = 'INBOX'; 

$messages = $service->users_messages->listUsersMessages('',$optParams);

$messageList = $messages->getMessages();

Got list of mail how can I differentiate reply mail and simple mail using this function ?


  • You cannot do it directly with users.messages.list

    Once you have the message list, you need to perform with each message Id a call to users.messages.get and look at the headers.

    Response for simple mail:

    "headers": [
            "name": "Subject",
            "value": "Hello"

    Response for reply:

    "headers": [
            "name": "References",
            "value": "\\u003e"
            "name": "In-Reply-To",
            "value": "\\u003e"
            "name": "Subject",
            "value": "Re: Good morning"


    • A reply subject contains Re:
    • A reply contains the header References
    • A reply contans the header In-Reply-To