Search code examples

Mailchimp and returning a 500 error

Mailchimp and are returning a 500 error on a URL, but the page is displaying correctly in all the browsers I've tried & the status code when fetching the page using cURL is 200.

Having done some testing, I've narrowed this down to images & using secset/webp images.

For example, when the image is specified as the below, returns a 500 error:

<img src="/oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-850.webp" srcset="/oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-800.webp 800w, /oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-640.webp 640w, /oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-320.webp 320w" alt="">

The same is true for the following:

<img src="/oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-850.jpg" srcset="/oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-800.webp 800w, /oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-640.webp 640w, /oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-320.webp 320w" alt="">

<img src="/oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-850.webp" alt="">

But when the image is simpified to the below, returns a 200 status:

<img src="/img/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-850.jpg" alt="">

I can confirm ALL the images are available as specified... any suggestions would be helpful.



  • THis was an issue in my script... the server didn't have the $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] variable which I was using to check that webp images were accepeted. A simple isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) fixed it!