Learning react and came across a scenario where I would want to define a 'img' tag inside React.createElement(). I have tried below syntax, but I am sure its a wrong method:
function Greeting() {
return (
<Person />
<Message />
const Person = () => {
<h2>Its an Image</h2>;
return React.createElement(
The error which I get is as below:
Error: img is a void element tag and must neither have `children` nor use `dangerouslySetInnerHTML`.
▶ 15 stack frames were collapsed.
40 | return <p>Follow the white rabbit </p>;
41 | };
42 |
> 43 | ReactDom.render(<Greeting />, document.getElementById("root"));
44 |
Please suggest,
The arguments for React.createElement
is as follows (as seen in the docs):
React.createElement( type, [props], [...children] )
The last argument is the children, but when you create an image element, it should have no children (ie: it's a void element tag like the error mentions). Currently, you're adding the image source as the children, giving equivalent to:
Instead, you need to specify the img source in the props of the created element, and pass null
for the children (undefined/null would work here, so not supplying a 3rd argument will also work):
{src: "https://images-eu.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81l3rZK4lnL._AC_UL200_SR200,200_.jpg"},
As a side note, the content that gets rendered is the content you return from your component. The <h2>Its an Image</h2>;
isn't being returned or used anywhere, it's like writing 1 + 2
inside of a regular function, it will evaluate to 3
, but won't do much other than that unless you do something with it.