I am creating API tests using Robot Framework. I use requests library, do GET requests, and want to validate responses. But it shows me an error:
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'count'.
Are there any other ways to validate the response?
library code
import requests
def get_method(URL):
response = requests.get(URL,timeout=3)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as error1:
raise TypeError("Http Error:", error1)
except requests.exceptions.Timeout as error2:
raise TimeoutError("Timeout Error:", error2)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as error3:
raise ConnectionError("Error Connecting:", error3)
return response
keywords file
from robot.api.deco import keyword
import jsonschema
import json
class keywords:
schemaAllUsers = {
"type": "array",
"count": {"type": "number"},
"results": [{
"name": {"type": "string"},
"height": {"type": "number"},
"mass": {"type": "number"}
def get_request(self, URL):
return restAPI_library.get_method(URL)
def assert_users_response(self, response):
assert response.status_code == 200
def get_json_response(self, URL):
return restAPI_library.get_method(URL).json()
def validate_json_response(self, response):
assert response.count == '82'
tests file*
Library keywords.py
*** Test Cases ***
TC - Verify GET request for all users
${Users} Get Request ${people_endpoint}
Assert Users Response ${Users}
${response} Get Json Response ${people_endpoint}
*** Variables ***
${people_endpoint} https://swapi.dev/api/people
Simple solution is as Pavel hinted
def validate_json_response(self, response):
assert response['count'] == '82
If you want to use thi repeatedly, than what you can do is find element in paht and evaluate that element. To your python library add keyword, something like this.
def pathGet(self, dictionary , path):
for item in path:
dictionary = dictionary[item]
return dictionary
usage in test will be as follows
*** Variables ***
@{DIR_COUNT} count
in the test you will add this block
${count}= pathGet ${response} ${DIR_COUNT}
Should Be Equal ${count} ${82}
this way you can reuse the keyword, regardles of the elements path.