I am using Visual Studio 2019 (Windows) and a mini mac M1 with bigsur. I am developing a xamarin forms application and it is working on Android (physical and simulator) and IOS Simulator.
Now I want to try it out on my physical IPhone and IPad but I am having this Failed to codesign . Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "apple Development(...)" : errSecInternalComponent.
In total I have 40 of these errors with different dll paths
I am using automatic provisioning, without custom entitlements. I did some search and I found a lot of suggestions to lock / unlock Login keychain access, but in bigsur this is not an option. Also rebooting Mac does not fix the problem.
I also tried to revoke certificates and wildcard development profile and create them again (automatic in VS) and still the same.
I guess this is something about the new Bigsur system and Visual Studio / xamarin are not yet prepared to it?
one example out of the 40:
Failed to codesign 'bin/iPhone/Debug/device-builds/iphone13.1-14.4/ToBudget.Mobile.App.iOS.app/libAcr.UserDialogs.dll.dylib': Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer "Apple Development: ANTONIO"
bin/iPhone/Debug/device-builds/iphone13.1-14.4/ToBudget.Mobile.App.iOS.app/libAcr.UserDialogs.dll.dylib: errSecInternalComponent
If someone has a solution, I would be thankful.
Thanks in advance.
If you are using a Free Apple Account to develop,
you could Use Xcode to create a signing identity and provisioning profile,
then Deploy your Xamarin.iOS app with Select the Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile created by Xcode.