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Delete Redis keys matching a pattern

I am using Redis hash set to store data in the following format:

hset b1.b2.b3 name test

Now I want to delete this key so I am using the following format:

del b1.b2.*

But it not working so how I delete the Redis key using a pattern?


  • Redis does not provide any method to delete bulk keys. But redis-cli along with xargs can be used to achieve what you are trying to do. See the commands below:> hset b1.b2.b3 name test
    (integer) 1> hgetall b1.b2.b3
    1) "name"
    2) "test"
    $ redis-cli --scan --pattern b1.b2.* | xargs redis-cli del
    (integer) 1
    $ redis-cli> hgetall b1.b2.b3
    (empty list or set)

    We are scanning redis for a pattern using '--scan' and the output is given to redis-cli again using the xargs method whcih combines all the keys in the scan result and finally we delete all of them using 'del' command.