I'm pretty new to Java, just started learning it. I've got an array of numbers, with array length origArraySize
29.50 10.80 16.40 87.80 12.20 63.70 13.90 25.00 77.40 97.40
I'm trying to arrange them in this format:
10.80 16.40
87.80 12.20 63.70
13.90 25.00 77.40 97.40
While I've seen similar half Pyramid questions, i just can't seem to figure out how to implement an array to print the numbers. Here's what I got so far, just a method of class rn:
public String toString() {
String t = "";
for (int i = 0; i < this.origArraySize; i++) {
t += String.format("%8.2f", array[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
System.out.println(t + "\n");
I know it includes nested for loops but I just can't seem to get it. The method toString()
has to return String
value, and I'm not sure how to implement that at the end either, but for now I tried with t
You do not want an inner loop, you just need a couple of counters
double arr[] = {29.50,10.80,16.40,87.80,12.20,63.70,13.90,25.00,77.40,97.40};
int loop = 0;
int printAtNum = 0;
for (double d : arr) {
System.out.printf("%8.2f", d); // always print
if (loop == printAtNum) {
System.out.println(); // only print if loop is equal
// to incremented counter
loop = 0; // reset
printAtNum++; // increment
} else {
10.80 16.40
87.80 12.20 63.70
13.90 25.00 77.40 97.40