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Pandas Multi index DataFrame add subindex to each index

I have a multi-index data frame with rows "bar" and "baz" and each of this rows has a row "one" and "two". I now want to add a row "three" to each row "bar" and foo".

Is there an elegant way to do so?

For example:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

arrays = [["bar", "bar", "baz", "baz"],
          ["one", "two", "one", "two"]]

tuples = list(zip(*arrays))
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples, names=["first", "second"])
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(3, 4), index=["A", "B", "C"], columns=index)
In [38]: df
first        bar                 baz          
second       one       two       one       two
A       0.357392 -1.880279  0.099014  1.354570
B       0.474572  0.442074 -1.173530 -1.362059
C      -0.980140 -0.173440 -1.490654 -0.539123

and i want something like this:

first        bar                           baz                    
second       one       two     three       one       two     three
A      -0.096890  0.012150       nan -0.749569 -0.965033       nan
B      -0.854206  0.118473       nan  0.263058 -0.025849       nan
C      -0.688007 -0.258569       nan  0.127305 -0.955044       nan


  • I don't know how Python-like it is, but there are two ways to do this: simple substitution and using inserts.

    1. Substitution
    df[('bar','three')] = np.NaN
    df[('baz','three')] = np.NaN 
    1. insert
    first                   bar                     baz
    second  one     two     three   one     two     three
    A   -0.973338   -0.233507   NaN     0.777288    -2.282688   NaN
    B   -0.377486   0.080627    NaN     0.401302    0.355696    NaN
    C   0.481056    0.651335    NaN     0.161145    1.001937    NaN