I've come across these discussions of mutual recursion, initially in the context of the let
expression, i.e., a let
allows for bindings to refer to one another with no mind for order. (See here.) I then saw this discussion in Wikipedia. This gives an example in the form of a data type in SML
datatype 'a tree = Empty | Node of 'a * 'a forest
and 'a forest = Nil | Cons of 'a tree * 'a forest
As I recall, the and
is necessary for a mutual recursive relationship. It led to this version in Haskell
data Tree a = Empty
| Node (a, Forest a)
data Forest a = Nil
| Cons (Tree a) (Forest a)
I have an intuitive grasp of this, but the syntax is confusion, e.g., the SML tree
... Node of 'a * 'a forest
This is a tuple, correct? And yes, I think I'm seeing a tuple in the Haskell translation
... Node (a, Forest a)
Intuitively, this is the same as a branch capability where a tree Node may have a whole Forest
of (one or many) sub-trees, correct? But then the Haskell Forest
data type basically conses a new Tree
element to the head of a Forest
(of Tree
elements) list, and yet the SML version seems to use a *
... Cons of 'a tree * 'a forest
which means create a tuple? In general, the confusing Tree
definition, i.e., a Tree
can have a Forest
underneath it. Then there is this definition of a tree
data Tree = Leaf | Node Int Tree Tree
where the issue of sub-trees is limited to two sub-trees. Is using Forest
the only way to allow one-or-many sub-nodes? Intuitively, trees don't have forests under them, rather, they are members of a forest. One question would be, Can there be a direct use of regular list consing?
data Forest a = Nil | ForestCons (Tree a) [(Tree a)] deriving (Show)
Node (a, Forest a)
, despite being perfectly legal Haskell, is unidiomatic. The conventional form of the definition would be
data Tree' a = Empty'
| Node' a (Forest a)
This contains the same information as your Tree
, but instead of packing the fields of the Node
constructor in a tuple it just gives them both as fields. The difference is that, when actually dealing with values of the type, you'd write Node' h t
instead of Node' (h,t)
Likewise, your Forest
is equivalent to the not recommended form
data Forest' a = Nil'
| Cons' (Tree a, Forest a)