I am trying to apply partial search in Django postgres, exactly the same as described here django-text-search-with-partial-sentence-match I found there a pretty nice solution
from psycopg2.extensions import adapt
from django.contrib.postgres.search import SearchQuery
class PrefixedPhraseQuery(SearchQuery):
Alter the tsquery executed by SearchQuery
def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
# Or <-> available in Postgres 9.6
value = adapt('%s:*' % ' & '.join(self.value.split()))
if self.config:
config_sql, config_params = compiler.compile(self.config)
template = 'to_tsquery({}::regconfig, {})'\
.format(config_sql, value)
params = config_params
template = 'to_tsquery({})'\
params = []
if self.invert:
template = '!!({})'.format(template)
return template, params
It works fine for python 3.6 but does not work for 3.9. The difference is, than in 3.6 SearchQuery inherits from Value:
class SearchQuery(SearchQueryCombinable, Value):
output_field = SearchQueryField()
'plain': 'plainto_tsquery',
'phrase': 'phraseto_tsquery',
'raw': 'to_tsquery',
def __init__(self, value, output_field=None, *, config=None, invert=False, search_type='plain'):
self.config = config
self.invert = invert
if search_type not in self.SEARCH_TYPES:
raise ValueError("Unknown search_type argument '%s'." % search_type)
self.search_type = search_type
super().__init__(value, output_field=output_field)
and in python 3.9 SearchQuery inherits from Func:
class SearchQuery(SearchQueryCombinable, Func):
output_field = SearchQueryField()
'plain': 'plainto_tsquery',
'phrase': 'phraseto_tsquery',
'raw': 'to_tsquery',
'websearch': 'websearch_to_tsquery',
def __init__(self, value, output_field=None, *, config=None, invert=False, search_type='plain'):
self.function = self.SEARCH_TYPES.get(search_type)
if self.function is None:
raise ValueError("Unknown search_type argument '%s'." % search_type)
if not hasattr(value, 'resolve_expression'):
value = Value(value)
expressions = (value,)
self.config = SearchConfig.from_parameter(config)
if self.config is not None:
expressions = (self.config,) + expressions
self.invert = invert
super().__init__(*expressions, output_field=output_field)
In Func unlike in Value, there is no self.value
class Func(SQLiteNumericMixin, Expression):
"""An SQL function call."""
function = None
template = '%(function)s(%(expressions)s)'
arg_joiner = ', '
arity = None # The number of arguments the function accepts.
def __init__(self, *expressions, output_field=None, **extra):
if self.arity is not None and len(expressions) != self.arity:
raise TypeError(
"'%s' takes exactly %s %s (%s given)" % (
"argument" if self.arity == 1 else "arguments",
self.source_expressions = self._parse_expressions(*expressions)
self.extra = extra
and the Value looks like that
class Value(Expression):
"""Represent a wrapped value as a node within an expression."""
def __init__(self, value, output_field=None):
* value: the value this expression represents. The value will be
added into the sql parameter list and properly quoted.
* output_field: an instance of the model field type that this
expression will return, such as IntegerField() or CharField().
self.value = value
Cound anybody help me to adjust the code sample to python 3.9 or recommend any solution for similar search?
So we're clear, your problem here is not with the Python version, but with the Django version.
What you're looking for should be self.source_expressions[0]
However if I were rewriting this today, I'd start by looking at the raw
search type (example) and pass my own query using the proximity operator <->