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How do you add an item to a TStackPanel at runtime

I have a TStackPanel which I want to add a number of frames into at runtime. The number may vary each time the form is opened.

There seems to be limited information about TStackPanel around, and the examples I can find are in languages other than Delphi.

I have a loop that creates the frame, gives it a unique name and then adds it to the TStackPanel:

for i := 0 to 10 do
    mfSubFrame[i] := TMyFrame.Create(Application);
    mfSubFrame.Name := name_array[i];

This does not put anything in the stack panel. If I change the SP line to:


then I do get a frame in the SP. It is the last one of the loop as I can tell by the name, the others may be hidden behind it but I can't tell. They are certainly not stacked horizontally like they should.

I have tried various other things like setting the parent of the frames to be the SP, and had a look at things like:


and other sub-methods, but had no luck so far.

I suspect it may require a combination of statements, like add a control item as well as the actual component, but as I am working on the basis of trial and error it could be a long time before I stumble on the right combination.


  • I have never used the TStackPanel before, but it seems like you can add controls to it exactly the same way you add controls to any other windowed control: just create the control and assign its Parent.

    For example,

    for var i := 1 to 10 do
      var Memo := TMemo.Create(Self);
      Memo.Parent := StackPanel1;

    will add ten memo controls (all owned by Self) to StackPanel1. There is no need to name the controls; referring to components by string name at runtime is an antipattern. (So is using FindComponent.)