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How can I update my data using an observable list and an editable table view

I've been trying this for quite some time myself and did lots of research. However, I have not come up with a solution. In my table view, I have an editable column. I can change the data in that table and print it in the controller.


    <TableColumn fx:id="colQTY" editable="true" onEditCommit="#changeQty" prefWidth="35.0" text="Ist">
          <PropertyValueFactory property="sQuantity" />
        <TextFieldTableCell fx:factory="forTableColumn" />


    private void changeQty(CellEditEvent<?,?> event) {

The data is in an sqlite database, represented by an observable list

Data Class:

public class SupplyData {
    public SimpleStringProperty sPart;
    public SimpleStringProperty sLocation;
    public SimpleStringProperty sQuantity;
    public SupplyData(String sPart, String sLocation, String sQuantity) {
        this.sPart= new SimpleStringProperty(sPart);
        this.sLocation= new SimpleStringProperty(sLocation);
        this.sQuantity= new SimpleStringProperty(sQuantity);
    public void setsPart(String sPart) {
    public String getsPartl() {
        return sPart.get();
    public SimpleStringProperty sPartProperty() {
        return sPart;
    public void setsLocation(String sLocation) {
    public String getsLocation() {
        return sLocation.get();

    public SimpleStringProperty sLocationProperty() {
        return sLocation;

    public void setsQuantity(String sQuantity) {
    public String getsQuantity() {
        return sQuantity.get();
    public SimpleStringProperty sQuantityProperty() {
        return sQuantity;

Data Access Class:

public class SupplyDataAccess {

    private ObservableList<SupplyData> supplies;

    public SupplyDataAccess() {
        supplies = FXCollections.observableArrayList();

    public ObservableList<SupplyData> getSupplies() {
        return supplies;

    public static Connection connectDB(String sDB) {
        Connection myDB = null;
        try {
            myDB = DriverManager.getConnection(sDB);
        }catch (SQLException e) {
        return myDB;
    public void loadData(){

        SupplyData data;
        String sDB = "jdbc:sqlite:c:\\supplies.db";
        String sQuery = "select * from supplies;";
        Connection myDB = connectDB(sDB);

            ResultSet rs = myDB.createStatement().executeQuery(sQuery);
            while( {
                data = new SupplyData(  rs.getString("Part"),
            } //while

        } catch (SQLException e) {
} //class

The controller has this code snipplet to populate the tableview:

    public void initialize(){
        dataAccess = new SupplyDataAccess();

That works and I can change the quantity. It is visible in the table view. How can I write the new value back to the observable list and from there to the database?

How can I access the other fields in changeQty in the controller? Part and Location are the fields I need to identify the record in the underlying database. If I can access those values in the controller, I can pass them to the data access class and create a SQL statement. That's not a problem.

Thanks in advance,



  • I figured it out.
    The commit handler I had created (onEditCommit="#changeQty") didn't do anything but showing the new value. After I deleted the commit handler, the ObservableList was updated as it should.
    That brought me back to the problem of how to update the database to make the change persistent.
    I created the commit handler again, update the observable list, and call a method in the data access class to update the database. Like so

        private void updateQty(CellEditEvent<SupplyData,String> event) {
            //this defines ChangedSupply and writes the current row of the table to it
            SupplyData ChangedSupply = event.getRowValue();
            //this updates the observable list
            //this in the end updates the database

    Thanks to @kleopatra for pointing me in the right direction. Maybe this helps someone else in the future.