I am trying to create a usage plan with aws-sdk apigateway, but getting an error response.
Here is the function I am using:
const params = {
name: 'My usage plan',
description: 'My plan for checking the usage',
apiStages: [
apiId: 'b3mzhze48g',
stage: 'dev',
throttle: {
string: {
burstLimit: 4,
rateLimit: 8,
throttle: {
burstLimit: 5,
rateLimit: 10,
quota: {
limit: 100,
offset: 1,
period: 'WEEK',
try {
const result = await apigateway.createUsagePlan(params).promise();
} catch (err) {
here is an image of the id's I have for my API:
and this is the error message I get:
"message": "Invalid method {resourcePath: string,method: } specified",
"code": "BadRequestException",
"time": "2021-01-31T10:58:28.117Z",
"requestId": "6d175534-e555-4a0d-99ef-1f3fc628e502",
"statusCode": 400,
"retryable": false,
"retryDelay": 80.40030962554764
How should I modify the apiStages parameters to be able to set the usage plan for a specific resource in my API?
Issue is with apiStages -> throttle, it is used to throttle at resource & method level, It is optional, But if it is set, key should be resource + method name , i.e. for GET /staff/list method , /staff/list/GET should be key
apiStages: [
apiId: "abc111i6h3",
stage: "dev",
throttle: {
"/staff/list/GET": {
burstLimit: 4,
rateLimit: 8,
Example from aws documentation that gave that hint: