I want to send socket from asynchronous class in my Flask project. But when I send it, it takes enormous time before it arrives to JavaScript. I am sending it as:
socket_io.emit("event_name", {"foo": "bar"}, broadcast=True, namespace="/com")
App with socketio is initialised as:
app = Flask(__name__, template_folder="templates", static_folder="static", static_url_path="/static")
socketio = SocketIO(app=app, cookie="cookie_name", async_mode=None)
And it is started by this command:
socketio.run(app=app, host="", port=5000, log_output=False)
My Python library versions are:
# Python == 3.8.5
JavaScript SocketIO: v3.0.4
When I send socket normally by emit command in socket_io handler, it works ok. But when I want to send same socket from external process, it takes a long time.
Does anyone know, how can I solve this problem? Thank you
The problem was with monkey patching and 32-bit Python3. I must install 64-bit Python3 and then add this at the first line:
import gevent.monkey; gevent.monkey.patch_all()