I want to create a histogram with the option xline but I want to tell Stata which xline value should be taken according to the year variable in my data set.
For example, in the data set below, I want the value 100 to be taken if I'm doing the histogram for the year 1990. (I'm doing lots of histograms like this so it is very inefficient to write the xline value manually.)
id year xline_value
1 1990 100
1 1991 200
1 1992 300
1 1993 5000
1 1994 600
2 1990 100
2 1991 200
2 1992 300
3 1991 200
3 1992 300
3 1993 5000
forvalues t = 1950/2005{
hist A if year==`t' , xline(?)
graph export "A_`t'.jpg", replace
forvalues t = 1950/2005 {
su xline_value if year == `t', meanonly
hist A if year==`t', xline(`r(min)')
graph export "A_`t'.jpg", replace
For other values, you would need something more complicated, say
forvalues t = 1950/2005 {
su xline_value if year == `t', meanonly
local show1 = r(min)
su xline_value2 if year == `t', meanonly
hist A if year==`t', xline(`show1' `r(min)')
graph export "A_`t'.jpg", replace