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Create list from serveral oclumns in pandas dataframe

I have the following dataframe:

name      age   year   salary1   salary2   salary3  salary4
Rodrigo   28    2021   1945       2312     4567     3214
Neil      26    2021   3546       6657     -3200    1855
Loti      34    5500   4671       3895     5512     7864

I would like to create new column that will have list of values of the column salary1,salary2,salary3 and salary4 , when this is the result output:

name      age   year   salary1   salary2   salary3  salary4     new_colum
Rodrigo   28    2021   1945       2312     4567     3214        [1945,2312,4567,3214]
Neil      26    2021   3546       6657     -3200    1855        [3546,6657,-3200,1855]
Loti      34    2021   4671       3895     5512     7864        [4671,3895,5512,7864]

I have tried to concat the relevant column by change the type of each column to string and then add them:

df['new_column'] = df['salary1'].astype(str) + ',' + \
                   df['salary2'].astype(str) + ',' + \
                   df['salary3'].astype(str) + ',' + \

that indeed concat the columns but does not make them a list and also change the type to string while I still need it numerical.

My questionn is how can I cerate new column with list of the four column values?


  • Try this:

    df['new_column'] = df[['salary1', 'salary2', 'salary3', 'salary 4']].values.tolist()