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How to create the top object with yaml-cpp?

I am trying to create a config file for my application using yaml-cpp, I am able to create map by

    YAML::Emitter emitter;
    emitter << YAML::BeginMap;
    emitter << YAML::Key << "Autoplay" << YAML::Value << "false";
    emitter << YAML::EndMap;

    std::ofstream ofout(file);
    ofout << emitter.c_str();

which outputs something like,

var1: value1
var2: value2

But how would I make the top object like,

  var1: value1
  var2: value2

  var3: value3
  var4: value4

and so on.. How do I get the Foo and the Bar like in the above code.


  • What you want to achieve is a map containing two keys Foo and Bar. Each of these containing a map as a value. The code below show you how you can achieve that:

    // gcc -o example example.cpp -lyaml-cpp
    #include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
    #include <fstream>
    int main() {
      std::string file{"example.yaml"};
      YAML::Emitter emitter;
      emitter << YAML::BeginMap;
      emitter << YAML::Key << "Foo" << YAML::Value;
      emitter << YAML::BeginMap; // this map is the value associated with the key "Foo"
      emitter << YAML::Key << "var1" << YAML::Value << "value1";
      emitter << YAML::Key << "var2" << YAML::Value << "value2";
      emitter << YAML::EndMap;
      emitter << YAML::Key << "Bar" << YAML::Value;
      emitter << YAML::BeginMap; // This map is the value associated with the key "Bar"
      emitter << YAML::Key << "var3" << YAML::Value << "value3";
      emitter << YAML::Key << "var4" << YAML::Value << "value4";
      emitter << YAML::EndMap;
      emitter << YAML::EndMap; // This ends the map containing the keys "Foo" and "Bar"
      std::ofstream ofout(file);
      ofout << emitter.c_str();
      return 0;

    You have to see these sorts of structures with a recursive mindset. This code will create the example you gave.