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Async Django 3.1 with aiohttp client

Is it possible now, after the start of porting django to async to use aiohttp client with django?

My case:

  1. server receives a request;
  2. server sends another request to another server;
  3. server decodes the response, saves it into DB, and returns that response to the client;

Andrew Svetlov mentioned that aiohttp "was never intended to work with synchronous WSGI" two years ago. (

But how the situation looks now? Django seems to almost support async views. Can we use aiohttp with asgi django?

I know, I can create an aiohttp server that handles requests, then populates some queue, and queue handler that saves responses into database, but here I am missing a lot from django: ORM, admin, etc.


  • You can implement thhis scenario in Django 3.1 like this:

    async def my_proxy(request):
        async with ClientSession() as session:
            async with session.get('') as resp:
                print(await resp.text())

    But the biggest question for me is how to share one session of aiohttp within django project because it is strongly not recommended to spawn a new ClientSession per request.

    Important note: Of course you should run your django application in ASGI mode with some compatible application server(for example uvicorn):

    uvicorn my_project.asgi:application --reload

    UPDATE: I found a workaround. You can create a module(file *.py) with shared global objects and populate it with ClientSession instance from project settings at project startup:

    from typing import Optional
    from aiohttp import ClientSession
    AIOHTTP_SESSION: Optional[ClientSession] = None

    from aiohttp import ClientSession
    from my_project import shared
    shared.AIOHTTP_SESSION = ClientSession()

    from my_project import shared
    async def my_proxy(request):
        async with shared.AIOHTTP_SESSION.get('') as resp:
             print(resp.status, resp._session)
             await resp.text()

    Important - imports should be EXACTLY the same. When i change them to form "from my_project.shared import AIOHTTP_SESSION" my test brakes :(

    from asyncio import gather
    from aiohttp import ClientSession
    from django.test import TestCase
    from my_project import shared
    class ViewTests(TestCase):
        async def test_async_view(self):
            shared.AIOHTTP_SESSION = ClientSession()
            await gather(*[self.async_client.get('/async_view_url') for _ in range(3)])

    Run test by ./ test