I noticed in the audited gem you can do this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# All fields
# audited
# Single field
# audited only: :name
# Multiple fields
# audited only: [:name, :address]
I'm trying to replicate this behaviour with not much luck, I'm using instructions here to extend my module: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9200191/312342
here is my class:
class Thing < ApplicationRecord
audited only: :name
My module:
module Audited
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def ClassMethods
def audited(options = {})
class_attribute :audited_options
self.audited_options = options
after_save :audit
def audit
puts self.changed_attributes
puts self.audited_options
::ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, Audited)
Error I'm getting (only on the first load, then error stops, but module still does not output.
NoMethodError (undefined method `audited' for #<Class:0x00007fae51b15ab0>):
Your module is included into ActiveRecord::Base
only when the file is executed. Assuming you're using rails autoloading, it's only executed when Audited
is called.
You'll need to require the file or execute ::ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, Audited)
somewhere in your load process (initializer).