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How to use expand modifiers with Vim map/filter?

I'm trying to get the list of absolute paths to my buffers, but cannot work out how to add the :p to expand as in expand("v:val:p") into map.

let l:buffers = filter(range(1, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)')
let l:buffiles = map(copy(l:buffers), 'expand(bufname(v:val).":p")')

The above does not work and append :p to end of each filename loaded as buffer. .e.g.


What's the right way to pass an expand modifier inside map or filter expression?


  • The right way is :h getbufinfo().

    let l:files = map(getbufinfo({'buflisted': 1}), '')

    Concerning arbitrary file name expansion, it is what :h fnamemodify() is used for.

    echo fnamemodify('filename.ext', ':p')

    On the other hand, :h expand() performs an expansion of :h cmdline-special.