Assume that I have a class which requires pre-treatment of an input variable x
. Towards this end, I have implemented a function within this class to set the variable (including the pre-treatment). To fool-proof the algorithm, I would like to know whether there is a way to catch attempts of users trying to set x
manually, instead of calling the correct function. As a small dummy example, consider the following:
class dummy():
def __init__(self, x):
# This function initializes the instance
self.x = x
def adjust_x(self):
# This function makes some change to x
self.x += 5
def set_x(self, x):
# This function initializes x correctly
self.x = x
instance = dummy(3)
print('Initialized correctly, the value of x is: ' + str(instance.x))
# We can also set x later on, using the correct function
print('Calling the function to set x, we get: ' + str(instance.x))
# However, if the user would try to set x directly, the variable does not get
# correctly adjusted:
instance.x = 3
print('Direct setting: ' + str(instance.x) + ' (/= 8, because instance.adjust_x() was not called)')
Is there a way to catch someone using instance.x
to set x
? I'd like to raise an error or a warning in that situation.
In Python, you can restrict the access of an attribute (that's the equivalent of setting the access modifier of a field to private) by prepending a double underscore to the attribute.
class Object():
def __init__(self, name):
self.__name = name
Trying to access
or instance.__name
would raise an AttributeError
As @mkrieger1 pointed out, the double underscores were not meant to prevent access but I find it that it works. More about private variables in Python can be found here.