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Where does the increment value for sbrk come from when using newlib nano malloc?

I have a target (Stm32f030R8) I am using with FreeRTOS and the newlib reentrant heap implementation ( This shim defines sbrk in addition to implementing the actual FreeRTOS memory allocation shim. The project is built with GNU ARM GCC and using --specs=nosys.specs.

For the following example, FreeRTOS has not been started yet. malloc has not been called before. The mcu is fresh off boot and has only just copied initialized data from flash into ram and configured clocks and basic peripherals.

Simply having the lib in my project, I am seeing that sbrk is being called with very large increment values for seemingly small malloc calls.

The target has 8K of memory, of which I have 0x12b8 (~4KB bytes between the start of the heap and end of ram (top of the stack).

I am seeing that if I allocate 1000 bytes with str = (char*) malloc(1000);, that sbrk gets called twice. First with an increment value of 0x07e8 and then again with an increment value of 0x0c60. the result being that the desired total increment count is 0x1448 (5192 bytes!) and of course this overflows not just the stack, but available ram.

What on earth is going on here? Why are these huge increment values being used by malloc for such a relatively small desired buffer allocation?


  • I think it may not possible to answer definitively, rather than just advise on debugging. The simplest solution is to step through the allocation code to determine where and why the allocation size request is being corrupted (as it appears to be). You will need to course to build the library from source or at least include mallocr.c in your code to override any static library implementation.

    In Newlib Nano the call-stack to _sbrk_r is rather simple (compared to regular Newlib). The increment is determined from the allocation size s in nano_malloc() in nano-mallocr.c as follows:

    malloc_size_t alloc_size;
    alloc_size = ALIGN_TO(s, CHUNK_ALIGN); /* size of aligned data load */
    alloc_size += MALLOC_PADDING; /* padding */
    alloc_size += CHUNK_OFFSET; /* size of chunk head */
    alloc_size = MAX(alloc_size, MALLOC_MINCHUNK);

    Then if a chunk of alloc_size is not found in the free-list (which is always the case when free() has not been called), then sbrk_aligned( alloc_size ) is called which calls _sbrk_r(). None of the padding, alignment or minimum allocation macros add such a large amount.

    sbrk_aligned( alloc_size ) calls _sbrk_r if the request is not aligned. The second call should be never be larger than CHUNK_ALIGN - (sizeof(void*)).

    In you debugger you should be able to inspect the call stack or step through the call to see where parameter becomes incorrect.