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Replacing recursion with a while loop

For performance reasons, are recursions ever replaced with while loops? I know the code looks much uglier, but let's take the following example:

void print_countdown(long long n) {
    if (n!=0) {
        printf("Placeholder for a function\n");
    } else 

If the number is 1 million, then this will have an overhead of:

  • 1 million copies of the n var (saved from rdi, put back in rdi for the recursive call, if the recursive work includes a function call, otherwise it can stay in rdi.)
  • call func
  • push rbp ... pop function prologue or something else for stack alignment, depending on optimization level and compiler choices.

In other words, while the code is readable, for anything like > 1000 loops, this seems to be better rewritten to something like:

void print_countdown(long long n) {
    while (n < MAX_LOOPS) {
        if (n!=0) {
            printf("Placeholder for a function\n");
            n = n-1;     
        } else

The assembly code (Godbolt) also looks much, much simpler in the while format -- ~20 lines vs ~40 lines.

Is it common to do this kind of loop-rewriting, and are there ever times in a recursive function call where it cannot be re-written to a loop ?


  • Yep.


    This code

    #include <stdio.h>
    void print_countdown(long long n) {
        if (n!=0) {
            // do_something
        } else 

    Generates this assembly with the x86-64 Clang compiler and -O2 optimizations (the compiler even generates the comments too!)

    print_countdown(long long):                   # @print_countdown(long long)
            mov     edi, offset .Lstr
            jmp     puts                            # TAILCALL
            .asciz  "Done!"

    Other compilers generate similar results.