Why does string formatting get ignored when ANSI escape sequence characters are included in the string?
Example (Python 3.9.1):
execution_times = [0, 12]
for execution_time in execution_times:
affected_row_count = 26953
c = ''
cgrey = ''
endc = ''
if execution_time == 0:
cgrey = '\33[90m'
if execution_time > 0:
c = '\033[94m'
endc = '\033[0m'
rows_affected_text = f' ({affected_row_count} rows affected)'
elapsed_time_text = f'Elapsed Time: {c}{execution_time}{endc} secs'
Expected output would be:
Elapsed Time: 0 secs (26953 rows affected)
Elapsed Time: 12 secs (26953 rows affected)
but instead it yields
Elapsed Time: 0 secs (26953 rows affected)
Elapsed Time: 12 secs (26953 rows affected)
The :25s
string formatting is being ignored; what am I missing?
Because cgrey
, c
and endc
are taken into account when calculating the alignment format.
Try to print raw bytes of the string.
# ...
x = f'{cgrey}{elapsed_time_text:25s}{rows_affected_text}\033[0m'
Elapsed Time: 0 secs (26953 rows affected)
b'\x1b[90mElapsed Time: 0 secs (26953 rows affected)\x1b[0m'
Elapsed Time: 12 secs (26953 rows affected)
b'Elapsed Time: \x1b[94m12\x1b[0m secs (26953 rows affected)\x1b[0m'