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How to create custom filling style in gnuplot?

basically I would like to reproduce the filling styles in the following image in gnuplot: enter image description here

I tried using the common pattern with filledcurves but none of the patterns is similar to those in the picture. Is there a way to get this type of patterns (note the filled area is not solid) in gnuplot ? Thank you.


  • Check help filledcurves and set the color to transparent according to the scheme 0xAARRGGBB.


    ### semitransparent fill between curves
    reset session
    # create some random test data
    set print $Data1
        do for [x=1:100] { print sprintf("%g %g %g %g",x,5*cos(x/7.)+rand(0),rand(0)+0.3,rand(0)+0.3) }
    set print
    set print $Data2
        do for [x=1:100] { print sprintf("%g %g %g %g",x,3*sin(x/9.)+rand(0),rand(0)+0.3,rand(0)+0.3) }
    set print
    unset key
    plot $Data1 u 1:2 w l lc "red", \
         ''    u 1:($2-$3):($2+$4) w filledcurve lc rgb 0xeeff0000, \
         $Data2 u 1:2 w l lc "blue", \
         ''    u 1:($2-$3):($2+$4) w filledcurve lc rgb 0xee0000ff
    ### end of code


    enter image description here

    Addition: (workaround for vertical dashed "fill")

    To be honest, (as in your case) if you have to zoom in very close to see the difference between a semitransparent fill and a "fill" with vertical lines, then I'm not sure whether this is really necessary.

    Anyway, here is a workaround for a "fill" of vertical dashed lines. This is realized with vectors and dashed lines dt 1 (=solid), dt 2 (=dashed), dt 3 (=dotted). However, this is not a real fill but requires enough regular (here: 1000) data points to give this impression. It also depends on transparency of the linecolor and the size of the graph. If you don't have enough regular datapoints you could resample your data, however, this is not straightforward in gnuplot (see: Resampling data with gnuplot),

    This still doesn't look identical to your example but comes somewhat closer.


    ### special "fill" with dashed vertical lines
    reset session
    # create some random test data
    set table $Data1
        set samples 1000
        plot [1:100] '+' u (x):(3*cos(x/5.)):(rand(0)*0.5+0.3):(rand(0)*0.5+0.3) w table
    set table $Data2
        set samples 1000
        plot [1:100] '+' u (x):(5*sin(x/7.)):(rand(0)*0.5+0.3):(rand(0)*0.5+0.3) w table
    set table $Data3
        set samples 1000
        plot [1:100] '+' u (x):(7*sin(x/9.)):(rand(0)*0.5+0.3):(rand(0)*0.5+0.3) w table
    unset table
    unset key
    plot $Data1 u 1:2 w l lc "red", \
         ''    u 1:($2-$3):(0):(1) w vectors lc rgb 0xddff0000 dt 1 nohead, \
         $Data2 u 1:2 w l lc "green", \
         ''    u 1:($2-$3):(0):($4+$3) w vectors lc rgb 0xdd00ff00 dt 2 nohead, \
         $Data3 u 1:2 w l lc "blue", \
         ''    u 1:($2-$3):(0):($4+$3) w vectors lc rgb 0xdd0000ff dt 3 nohead 
    ### end of code


    enter image description here

    Zoomed-in to show the dashed lines:

    enter image description here