I am constructing a transition matrix from a n1 x n2 x ... x nN x nN
array. For concreteness let N = 3
, e.g.,
import numpy as np
# example with N = 3
n1, n2, n3 = 3, 2, 5
dim = (n1, n2, n3)
arr = np.random.random_sample(dim + (n3,))
Here arr
contains transition probabilities between 2 states, where the "from"-state is indexed by the first 3 dimensions, and the "to"-state is indexed by the first 2 and the last dimension. I want to construct a transition matrix, which expresses these probabilities raveled into a sparse (n1*n2*n3) x (n1*n2*n3
To clarify, let me provide my current approach that does what I want to do. Unfortunately, it's slow and doesn't work when N
and n1, n2, ...
are large. So I am looking for a more efficient way of doing the same that scales better for larger problems.
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse as sparse
## step 1: get the index correponding to each dimension of the from and to state
# ravel axes 1 to 3 into single axis and make sparse
spmat = sparse.coo_matrix(arr.reshape(np.prod(dim), -1))
data = spmat.data
row = spmat.row
col = spmat.col
# use unravel to get idx for
row_unravel = np.array(np.unravel_index(row, dim))
col_unravel = np.array(np.unravel_index(col, n3))
## step 2: combine "to" index with rows 1 and 2 of "from"-index to get "to"-coordinates in full state space
row_unravel[-1, :] = col_unravel # first 2 dimensions of state do not change
colnew = np.ravel_multi_index(row_unravel, dim) # ravel back to 1d
## step 3: assemble transition matrix
out = sparse.coo_matrix((data, (row, colnew)), shape=(np.prod(dim), np.prod(dim)))
I will be running this code many times. Across iterations, the data of arr
may change, but the dimensions will stay the same. So one thing I could do is to save and load row
and colnew
from a file, skipping everything between the definition of data
(line 2) and final line of my code. Do you think this would be the best approach?
Edit: One problem I see with this strategy is that if some elements of arr
are zero (which is possible) then the size of data
will change across iterations.
One approach that beats the one posted in the OP. Not sure if it's the most efficient.
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
# get col and row indices
idx = np.arange(np.prod(dim))
row = idx.repeat(dim[-1])
col = idx.reshape(-1, dim[-1]).repeat(dim[-1], axis=0).ravel()
# get the data
data = arr.ravel()
# construct the sparse matrix
out = sparse.coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(np.prod(dim), np.prod(dim)))
Two things that could be improved:
(1) if arr
is sparse, the output matrix out
will have zeros coded as nonzero.
(2) The approach relies on the new state being the last dimension of dim
. It would be nice to generalize so that the last axis of arr
can replace any of the originating axis, not just the last one.