My project has a lot of operations that must be performed one after another. I was using listeners, but I found this tutorial Kotlin coroutines on Android and I wanted to change my sever call with better readable code. But I think I am missing something. The below code always return an error from getTime1()
suspend fun getTimeFromServer1() :ResultServer<Long> {
val userId = SharedPrefsHelper.getClientId()
return withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val call: Call<ResponseFromServer>? = userId?.let { apiInterface.getTime(it) }
(call?.execute()?.body())?.run {
val time:Long? =
time?.let {
Timber.tag("xxx").e("time received it ${it}")// I am getting the right result here
Timber.tag("xxx").e("time received ${time}")
ResultServer.Error(Exception("Cannot get time"))
fun getTime1() {
GlobalScope.launch {
when (val expr: ResultServer<Long> = NetworkLayer.getTimeFromServer1()) {
is ResultServer.Success<Long> -> Timber.tag("xxx").e("time is ${}")
is ResultServer.Error -> Timber.tag("xxx").e("time Error") //I am always get here
But if I am using listeners (getTime()
) everything works perfectly:
suspend fun getTimeFromServer(savingFinishedListener: SavingFinishedListener<Long>) {
val userId = SharedPrefsHelper.getClientId()
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
val call: Call<ResponseFromServer>? = userId?.let { apiInterface.getTime(it) }
(call?.execute()?.body())?.run {
val time:Long? =
time?.let {
Timber.tag("xxx").e("time received it ${it}")
fun getTime() {
GlobalScope.launch {
override fun onSuccess(t: Long?) {
t?.let {
Timber.tag("xxx").e("time here $it") //I am getting the right result
Thanks in advance for any help.
The last line of a lambda is implicitly the return value of that lambda. Since you don't have any explicit return statements in your withContext
lambda, its last line:
ResultServer.Error(Exception("Cannot get time"))
means that it always returns this Error. You can put return@withContext
right before your ResultServer.Success(it)
to make that line of code also return from the lambda.
Side note: don't use GlobalScope.