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Why can I use the constructor tactic to prove reflexivity?

The constructor tactic allows you to discharge a goal which is an inductive datatype by automatically applying constructors. However, definitional equality is not an inductive product in Coq. Then why does Coq accept this proof?

Example zeqz : 0 = 0. constructor.


  • The equality type in Coq is defined as follows

    Inductive eq (A : Type) (x : A) : A -> Prop :=  
       eq_refl : x = x

    that is it has a single reflexivity constructor.

    To prove that 0 = 0 you need to construct a term of this type. The only way to do this is to invoke eq_refl. However in order to invoke eq_refl the type checker needs to know that 0 is convertible to 0 (that is they are definitionally equal).

    The type eq is a semantic notion of equality, whereas definitional equality is a syntactic notion. This means that the proof assistant cannot distinguish between definitionally equal terms, but it can distinguish between semantically equal terms. So the constructor eq_refl can be seen as a guarantee that definitional (syntactic) equality subsumes semantic equality.

    It is fruitful to ask whether terms may be semantically equal without being syntactically equal. Such examples may only be obtained through an axiom. For example, by the definition of the recursor (nat_rec, or more technically, nat_ind) for the natural numbers, or by an extensionality axiom.