Suppose I have the following json file. With data1["tenants"][1]['name']
I can select uniquename2. Is there a way to collect the '1' number by looping over the document?
"tenants": [{
"key": "identifier",
"name": "uniquename",
"image": "url",
"match": [
"tags": [
"key": "identifier",
"name": "uniquename2",
"image": "url",
"match": [
"tags": ["tag"]
in short: data1["tenants"][1]['name']
= uniquename2 data1["tenants"][0]['name']
= uniquename
How can I find out which number has which name. So if I have uniquename2 what number/index corresponds with it?
you can iterate over the tenants to map the index to the name
data = {
"tenants": [{
"key": "identifier",
"name": "uniquename",
"image": "url",
"match": [
"tags": [
"key": "identifier",
"name": "uniquename2",
"image": "url",
"match": [
"tags": ["tag"]
for index, tenant in enumerate(data['tenants']):
print(index, tenant['name'])
0 uniquename
1 uniquename2