I want a memoized selector which includes a rxjs transformation in its projector function. Tried like that to get arrays of FunctionProps
per group of FunctionProps.Category
of an FunctionProps[]
array which is selected by memoized selector selectFunctionProperties
export const selectGroupedFunctionProperties = createSelector(
(f) => from(f).pipe(
groupBy((v: FunctionProps) => v.Category),
mergeMap(group => group.pipe(toArray())),
As you can see I used a 'from' to get a pipeable observable from the source FunctionProps[] array. This of course is not a good idea, because the selectGroupedFunctionProperties selector now is an observable of observable in the consuming component.
Is there an approach to have the pipe in a memoized selector instead of using the pipe in the component this.store.select(selectFunctionProperties).pipe(...)
I want to be able to combine selectors and keep rxjs code out of components.
Otherwise is it a valid pattern to use a pipe in a selector (so I cannot avoid implementing groupBy for array with type script as pure function inside the selector)?
EDIT I changed the selector using the pipe operator directly:
export const selectGroupedFunctionProperties = pipe(
concatMap(functions => functions),
groupBy(v => v.Category),
mergeMap(group => group.pipe(toArray())),
In the component I receive the Functionprops[][] array with a pipe instead of the select:
groupedFunctions$ = this.store.pipe(selectGroupedFunctionProperties);
You have the option to export a pipe by itself (without createSelector):
export const selectGroupedFunctionProperties = pipe(
groupBy((v: FunctionProps) => v.Category),
mergeMap(group => group.pipe(toArray()))
// I'm not quite sure, but I don't think you need the 'toArray'-operator
Have a look at the docs too for this: https://ngrx.io/guide/store/selectors#breaking-down-the-basics