I am trying compare one hash values to another hash values of perticular each key's. like below as
db_data = [{"user_id"=>"000879", "dept"=>"1066", "type"=>"A", "rate"=>"999"},
{"user_id"=>"000879", "dept"=>"1066","type"=>"AB", "rate"=>"999"},
{"user_id"=>"008118", "dept"=>"10000869", "type"=>"A", "rate"=>"950"}]
file_data = [{"user"=>"00094967", "dept_id"=>"0020", "price"=>950, "div_type"=>"A"},
{"user"=>"00094967", "dept_id"=>"0020", "price"=>950, "div_type"=>"A"},
{"user"=>"00094967", "dept_id"=>"0020", "price"=>950, "div_type"=>"AB"}]
I need to compare specific key of value from first hash data to compare with second hash specific key of value to each.
like from file_data dept_id
compare to db_data all keys dept
value and if not getting then store in varaible(different data store)
results = []
existed = false
file_data.each do |fd|
dept_id = fd['dept_id']
db_data.each do |dd|
if dept_id == dd['dept']
existed = true
results << fd if existed == false
existed = false
# {"user"=>"00094967", "dept_id"=>"0020", "price"=>950, "div_type"=>"A"}
# {"user"=>"00094967", "dept_id"=>"0020", "price"=>950, "div_type"=>"A"}
# {"user"=>"00094967", "dept_id"=>"0020", "price"=>950, "div_type"=>"AB"}
# because dept_id 0020 is not existed in db_data, so it will go to result
so if dept_id is existed in the first loop on db_data it will not store the data to result. if until last element of db_data is not existed then it will go to result. then the flag existed will reset to false again.
Maybe that is not rubyist way, but it will do