So I just get started, I have an entity which keeps the data from other entities not by a direct relation but with keeping the EntityId and EntityType(Enum). When I read these records from GraphQL I expect to resolve a field with a resolver as follow,
public class AssignmentResolver
public object GetEntity( Assignment assignment, AppDbContext context)
if(assignment.EntityType == AssignmentEntityType.PERSON)
return context.People.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == assignment.EntityId);
// And more checks
return null;
Then I can say
public class AssignmentQueryType: ObjectType<Assignment>
protected override void Configure(IObjectTypeDescriptor<Assignment> descriptor)
descriptor.Field("entity").ResolveWith<AssignmentResolver>(x => x.GetEntity(default!, default!));
I wanna know if this is right or is there a better way... I mean the better way would be using a document database for this but that's not an option for now. I also maybe instead of putting the EntityType and EntityId can simply set an actual relation to those other entities but I wanna see if this current way is possible.
Well that was fast.
I found my problem. It seems that in the resolver I cannot just return an object because the schema should be clear when being read.
So from the resolver if I return a viewModel which is shared between all those entities then we are good to go.
So the GetEntity code will change to
public EntityViewModel GetEntity( Assignment assignment, [Service] AppDbContext context)
if(assignment.EntityType == AssignmentEntityType.PERSON)
var entity = context.People.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == assignment.EntityId);
return new EntityViewModel(entity);
// And more checks
return null;