I have a dataframe in a similar way:
Material c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6
1 0111 30 44 24 25 52 27
2 0112 19 70 93 23 68 100
3 1124 22 NA 79 18 133 143
4 2389 79 NA NA 81 60 NA
5 3480 57 8 95 62 NA 90
6 0134 350 60 50 302 44 4
Here I am forcing as character type, but in my real dataframe it alredy is.
write.table(df, paste(".\\exports\\", "dummy.csv", sep = ""), sep = ";", dec = ",",row.names=F)
The problem is that when I export to excel, my Material column becomes numeric and I loose the 0 in the beginning that is a part of the material code description. My rows get sorted and I would like to have them in the original position. Is there a way of preventing this to happen? To keep my Material column as character when exporting?
In case you want to replicate it, I tried to create a dummy version:
df <- data.frame(Material = c('0111','0112','1124','2389','3480'),
actual_202009 = c(30,19,22,79,57),
actual_202010 = c(44,70,NA,NA,8),
actual_202011 = c(24,93,79,NA,95),
pred_202009 = c(25,23,18,81,62),
pred_202010 = c(52,68,133,60,NA),
pred_202011 = c(27,100,143,NA,90))
As mentioned in the comments:
This works.
write.xlsx(df, file = "dummy.xlsx")
Even though the data in your csv has quotes around the Material column, excel likes to think for you and not honour the character quotes. Now you could use libreoffice with calc. This will open the text import option where you can tell it that the first column is text and it will retain the correct format for the Material column.
But the easiest is just to use the above code.