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C# Azure: How to set Azure timeout and retry policy when running locally?

I am writing C# code that runs against an Azure cloud. My application is an ASP.NET Core web service that exposes methods but no UI.

Sometimes I want to run my code locally using Microsoft Azure Storage Emulator. When my code starts up, one of the first things that happens is this:

var container = new BlobContainerClient(_connectionString, s);
bool exists = await container.ExistsAsync(ct);
if (!exists)
    await container.CreateAsync(cancellationToken: ct);

When running locally, I sometimes forget to start Azure Storage Emulator. When that happens, it takes my code like a minute to time out and tell me it can't reach the "cloud".

What I want to achieve is: Make the program give me good error messages quickly when running locally, but use more lenient timeout strategies when actually running in the cloud.

I can reduce the above timeout by doing something like this:

var blobClientOptions = new BlobClientOptions();
blobClientOptions.Retry.MaxRetries = 0;
var container = new BlobContainerClient(_connectionString, s, blobClientOptions);

... but when running against the real cloud I don't want that; I want it to retry. One option might be to set the retries to zero like above, but only when running locally.

I have a development-specific configuration file (appsettings.Development.json). Is it possible to configure such timeout/retry settings in the config file?

Or is there some other best-practice way to accomplish the "fail quickly in development" behaviour that I seek?

Thanks in advance!


    • create a class that will contain you blobstorage configuration:
    public class BlobStorageConfiguration  
      public string ConnectionString {get; set;}
      public int MaxRetries {get; set;}
    • in your appsettings.Development.json
      "BlobStorageConfiguration": {
        "ConnectionString " : "<your_connection_string>",
        "MaxRetries ":0
    • in your Startup.cs in the ConfigureServices method
     var blobConfig = new BlobStorageConfiguration ();
     Configuration.Bind(nameof(BlobStorageConfiguration ), blobConfig);
     services.AddSingleton(blobConfig );
    • now you can inject your config and it will take values from the appsettings.Development.json if you are running it locally:

    some controller:

        public class SomethingController : ControllerBase
            private readonly ILogger<SomethingController > logger;
            public SomethingController (
                ILogger<SomethingController > logger,
                BlobStorageConfiguration blobConfig)
                this.logger = logger;
             // use your blobConfig (connectionstring and maxRetries)