I would like sbt publish
to publish my JARs with some checksum however I can't seem to be able to achieve that.
The documentation says that checksums are enabled by default and I can confirm that checksums returns me md5 and sha1 in sbt. I can also see the generated checksums if I do sbt publishLocal
. However there are no checksums when I do sbt publish
on our CI server when publishing JARs to our company Artifactory server.
What am I missing?
More info:
publishMavenStyle := true
publishTo := <internal Artifactory>
works well.publish / checksums
returns the same thing as just checksums which is a list of md5 and sha1 values (the only two values that are supported by sbt as far as I could find).I've tried the debug log level and this is what is at the end of the build:
[debug] Done packaging.
[debug] CLIENT ERROR: Not Found url=https://<artifactory>/artifactory/maven-local/com/avast/ip-info_2.13/2.8.28/ip-info_2.13-2.8.28.pom
[info] published ip-info_2.13 to https://<artifactory>/artifactory/maven-local/com/avast/ip-info_2.13/2.8.28/ip-info_2.13-2.8.28.pom
[debug] CLIENT ERROR: Not Found url=https://<artifactory>/artifactory/maven-local/com/avast/ip-info_2.13/2.8.28/ip-info_2.13-2.8.28.jar
[info] published ip-info_2.13 to https://<artifactory>/artifactory/maven-local/com/avast/ip-info_2.13/2.8.28/ip-info_2.13-2.8.28.jar
[debug] CLIENT ERROR: Not Found url=https://<artifactory>/artifactory/maven-local/com/avast/ip-info_2.13/2.8.28/ip-info_2.13-2.8.28-sources.jar
[info] published ip-info_2.13 to https://<artifactory>/artifactory/maven-local/com/avast/ip-info_2.13/2.8.28/ip-info_2.13-2.8.28-sources.jar
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed Jan 28, 2021, 7:27:44 PM
The issue here is JFrog, and not SBT.
For example, we can see that play-json has no checksums mentions in its build.sbt
, nor anywhere else in their repository. Yet, looking at their published artifacts at maven, I see there both sha-1, and md5 artifacts.
When browsing a bit, I found this:
How to show the checksum files when browsing artifacts from the direct URL?
Which makes me to think that JFrog hides it. The resolution there is:
Simply set a property in the $ARTIFACTORY_HOME/etc/artifactory.system.properties file.
Add the following property to the artifactory.system.properties file and save lit: artifactory.ui.hideChecksums=false
Restart Artifactory for the change to take effect:
I must admit I didn't try it, but it is probably a lead.