I want to replace all amp-img tags with img tags on all websites using Tampermonkey, please.
I've tried the following but didn't work
var wns = document.getElementsByTagName("amp-img");
var lmn = document.createElement("img");
var index;
// Copy the children
while (amp-img.firstChild) {
img.appendChild(amp-img.firstChild); // *Moves* the child
// Copy the attributes
for (index = amp-img.attributes.length - 1; index >= 0; --index) {
// Replace it
amp-img.parentNode.replaceChild(img, amp-img);
This function might be what you need, but it's just one of the solutions:
function replace_tag(from_tag,to_tag){
var eles = document.querySelectorAll(from_tag);
for (let i=0; i<eles.length; i++){
try{ // Avoid no-parent elements
let new_html = eles[i].outerHTML.replaceAll("<"+from_tag, "<"+to_tag);
new_html = new_html.replaceAll("/"+from_tag+">", "/"+to_tag+">");
eles[i].outerHTML = new_html;
catch (e){}
// Todo: Fix a bit for mixed-case tag