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Sequel Rails ODBC with Snowflake returns '\x1A' for special characters

So I'm using Docker to run a Rails app which uses Sequel to connect to Snowflake via ODBC (snowflake-odbc-2.22.4.x86_64.deb). I'm able to connect to my Snowflake instance and query tables fine, but I'm currently running into an issue where any special characters is return \x1A instead of the character. For example, if in Snowflake I have this table (User): |fname| |-| |яйяйяй|

Running this query in Rails: SELECT fname FROM User


:fname => "\x1A\x1A\x1A\x1A\x1A\x1A"

where there's 1 \x1A for each special character

Doing data[:fname].encoding returns ASCII-8BIT and data[:fname].force_encoding('UTF-8') returns an empty string.

I did a similar query with python and the snowflake connector, and it worked fine, so this makes me think there might be an issue with my sequel configuration and reading/saving the response from Snowflake.

I tried add :encoding => "utf8" to my Sequel.odbc(:drvconnect=> SNOWFLAKE_CONN_STR, :encoding => "utf8") but that didn't change anything.

Thanks in advance!


  • Try to set below env variables:

    ENV LANG=en_US.UTF-8

    We have this in Dockerfile.