I have to clone this repo : https://github.com/glo2003/H21-tp1-git and integrate both branches which are :
refactor/structure and fix/ingredients to the main branch
Main currently looks like this :
refactor/structure has a new folder called listes with the file liste.txt in it ( so the file structure is listes\listes.txt) :
- Framboise
- Banane
- Champignon
fix/ingredients :
The end result wanted is this one (so champignon is replaced by Pommes and the list has a new format with the ' - ' also the folder structure will be listes\listes.txt
- Framboise
- Banane
- Pommes
What i tried :
git clone https://github.com/glo2003/H21-tp1-git.git
git merge fix/ingredients
git merge refactor/structure
And i did git status to check to situation :
It looks like a listes.txt got deleted but not sure.
From there i wanted to fix the conflict, with vi listes.txt or vi listes\listes.txt but i don't see any Head tag for the conflict so i am a bit confused ? What am i doing wrong. Thanks a lot.
This is a file level conflict, not a textual conflict. To fix it, you manipulate the index: you say git add
to preserve a file and git rm
to remove a file. Then say git commit
to make it so.
For example, if you like what the restructure branch did, you can say
$ git rm liste.txt
$ git add listes/liste.txt
$ git commit -m"finish merge"
But then you have also accepted the contents of that file. If you wanted the contents to match main
, you'd need to copy what's in the top level liste.txt into what's in listes/liste.txt before doing those file level things.
In the comments, you've basically said you wish this were a text-level conflict so you could resolve it at text level. To make that so, you need to:
Abort the merge.
Rearrange the file structure on main
to match the file structure on the branch, and add and commit.
Now perform the merge, specifying it this way:
git merge -Srecursive -Xno-renames refactor/structure
This will give you the moved liste.txt as a text conflict that you can proceed to resolve in vi
or whatever.
So, here's how I solved it, from the start:
$ git clone git@github.com:glo2003/H21-tp1-git.git
$ cd H21-tp1-git/
# create local branches
$ git checkout fix/ingredients
$ git checkout refactor/structure
$ git checkout main
$ git merge fix/ingredients
$ git merge refactor/structure
# file-level conflict, abort
$ git merge --abort
# mimic "theirs" file structure, and merge
$ mkdir listes
$ git mv liste.txt listes/liste.txt
$ git add .
$ git merge -Srecursive -Xno-renames refactor/structure
# now we have the text level conflict you wanted, as we can see:
$ cat listes/liste.txt
<<<<<<< HEAD
- Framboise
- Banane
- Champignon
>>>>>>> refactor/structure