I have files with sometimes weird end-of-lines characters like \r\r\n
. With this, it works like I want:
with open('test.txt', 'wb') as f: # simulate a file with weird end-of-lines
with open('test.txt', 'rb') as f:
for l in f:
# b'abc\r\r\n'
# b'def'
I want to able to get the same result from a string. I thought about splitlines
but it does not give the same result:
# [b'abc', b'', b'def']
Even with keepends=True
, it's not the same result.
Question: how to have the same behaviour than for l in f
with splitlines()
Linked: Changing str.splitlines to match file readlines and https://bugs.python.org/issue22232
Note: I don't want to put everything in a BytesIO
or StringIO
, because it does a x0.5 speed performance (already benchmarked); I want to keep a simple string. So it's not a duplicate of How do I wrap a string in a file in Python?.
Why don't you just split it:
input = b'\nabc\r\r\r\nd\ref\nghi\r\njkl'
result = input.split(b'\n')
[b'', b'abc\r\r\r', b'd\ref', b'ghi\r', b'jkl']
You will loose the trailing \n
that can be added later to every line, if you really need them. On the last line there is a need to check if it is really needed. Like
fixed = [bstr + b'\n' for bstr in result]
if input[-1] != b'\n':
fixed[-1] = fixed[-1][:-1]
[b'\n', b'abc\r\r\r\n', b'd\ref\n', b'ghi\r\n', b'jkl']
Another variant with a generator. This way it will be memory savvy on the huge files and the syntax will be similar to the original for l in bin_split(input)
def bin_split(input_str):
start = 0
while start>=0 :
found = input_str.find(b'\n', start) + 1
if 0 < found < len(input_str):
yield input_str[start : found]
start = found
yield input_str[start:]