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Rotating a rectangular array in JavaScript

I am trying to make a Tetris game. I am trying to work on a function that rotates a 2D variable array 90 degrees (or -90).

For example, given an array like:


It would output:


I have tried this function:

function rotateN90(a){
    var temp = [];
    for(var x = 0; x<a[0].length; x++){
        for(var y = 0; y<a.length; y++){
            temp[x] += a[y][x];
    return temp;

But it does not give the desired result. While it does rotate the first T-Block example given -90 degrees once, afterwards it reverts to it's original state.

Please help!

(PS: I am using KA's processing environment, so I can't use libraries or ES6)


  • The following code is to rotate a mxn size array to -90 degree.

    function rotateN90(a){
     var temp = new Array(a[0].length); // number of columns
     var i=0;
     for (i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { 
         temp[i] = [];
         for(let j = 0; j<a[0].length;j++){
             temp[j][i]= a[i][a[i].length-1-j];
     return temp;

    If your array is : [[1, 2,3],[4, 5, 6]]

    It will rotate -90 degree and returned array will be [[3, 6],[2, 5],[1, 4]]