I have a QTextEdit that has several lines (Name, Age, Height).
self.textbox = QTextEdit(self)
self.textbox.setPlainText('Name:\n Age: \nHeight: \n')
self.enteredText = self.textbox.toPlainText()
I want to put this information into a Jinja2 HTML template so it shows in the following way:
Personal data:
Name: (whatever the user wrote after "name")
Age: (whatever the user wrote after "age")
Height: (whatever the user wrote after "height")
I'm having issues with linebreaks, I'm not sure how to process my QTextEdit
so that I also get the linebreaks in HTML. I tried self.enteredText.splitlines(True)
but HTML does not understand \n
as linebreak and my text is all in one line.
I know almost nothing about jinja html templates, but you could try joining the lines together using br
lines = '<br/>'.join(self.enteredText.splitlines()).