I am trying to have two levels of nested routes in my myfile.routing.module.ts file but when I try to access to the route it redirects to the home. Here is my code:
const routes: Routes = [
path: '',
children: [
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'home', pathMatch: 'full' },
path: 'home',
component: HomeComponent,
children: [
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'page' },
path: 'page',
component: PageComponent,
canActivate: [PageGuard],
path: 'more', component: MoreComponent,
children: [
{ path: '', component: MoreComponent },
{ path: 'plants', component: PlantsComponent },
{ path: 'cars', component: CarsComponent },
{ path: 'pets', component: PetsComponent },
imports: [RouterModule.forChild(routes)],
exports: [RouterModule],
export class myFileRoutingModule {}
in more.component.html I have added <router-outlet></router-outlet>
and in home.component.html I have the links like so:
<a [routerLink]="['home/page/more/plants']">plants</a><br />
<a [routerLink]="['home/page/more/cars']">cars</a><br />
<a [routerLink]="['home/page/more/pets']">pets</a><br />
so the problem that I have is that I can't access to each section (for example home/page/more/plants) because it redirects to home all time.
Does anyone know what's the problem?
You don't need the first empty level,
This might fix your problem:
const routes: Routes = [
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'home', pathMatch: 'full' },
path: 'home',
component: HomeComponent,
children: [
{ path: '', redirectTo: 'page' },
path: 'page',
component: PageComponent,
canActivate: [PageGuard],
path: 'more', component: MoreComponent,
children: [
{ path: '', component: MoreComponent },
{ path: 'plants', component: PlantsComponent },
{ path: 'cars', component: CarsComponent },
{ path: 'pets', component: PetsComponent },
Notice all component that came with children must contain <router-outlet></router-outlet>
like HomeComponent & MoreComponent