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Laravel Carbon plus or minute one minute for comparing time

I am working on a notification then checks every minute for a scheduled notification. It never calls it because my now variable is in a minute format (2021-01-28 10:27) where as the database send_date is stored (2021-01-28 10:15:11)

    $now = date("Y-m-d H:i", strtotime(Carbon::now()));
    $notifications = Notification::get();
    if($notifications !== null)
        Log::info('Notifications are not null ' .$now); // shows in log (2021-01-28 10:27)
        $notifications->where('send_date',  $now)->each(function($message) {
        Log::info('looking at send_date'); // never shows in log

Or is there another way of doing this, that I am not seeing?


  •     $notifications = Notification::get();
        if($notifications !== null)
            Log::info('Notifications are not null ' .$now); // shows in log (2021-01-28 10:27)
            $notifications->whereBetween('send_date', [Carbon::now()->subMinute()->format('Y-m-d H:i'), Carbon::now()->addMinute()->format('Y-m-d H:i')])->each(function($message) {
                Log::info('looking at send_date'); // never shows in log

    Reference :
    whereBetween, Carbon