As the title suggests, I am looking for a way to embed Python code into NetLogo. So far I have found the NetLogo Python extension but from my understanding this extension only runs in the NetLogo prompt below (where you put the Observer/Turtle/etc. commands), so more like a built-in interpreter.
My question is whether there is a way, using this extension or otherwise, to embed Python code into the body of a NetLogo project, for example like this:
; This is an extract of some method/subroutine
print global-peopleNum
set-patch-size 20
; other regular NetLogo code
so that it resembles compiled code as opposed to interpreted.
You can embed Python code directly into NetLogo code using the Python extension, it is not usable only through the command center. Check out the Python Basic Example and Python Flocking Clusters models that come with NetLogo in the models library.
Here is the code from the Python Basic Example model:
extensions [ py ]
to setup ; Here we setup the connection to python and import a few libraries
py:setup py:python
py:run "import math"
py:run "import sys"
py:run "import os"
to go ; make sure everything is ready to go!
py:run "print('go!')"
to get-sys-info ; Here we use the `sys` package in python to output some system info
output-print (word "Python directory: " (py:runresult "sys.prefix"))
output-print (word "Platform: " (py:runresult "sys.platform"))
output-print (word "Python copyright: " (py:runresult "sys.copyright"))
output-print ""
to gcd ; Use the `math` package's built-in gcd method to calculate the gcd(a,b)
py:set "a" a
py:set "b" b
let result py:runresult "math.gcd(a, b)"
output-print (word "Greatest common divisor of " a " and " b " is: " result)
output-print ""
to get-home-directory ; Use the `os` package to get the home directory of the system
let home-dir py:runresult "os.environ['HOME']"
output-print (word "Current home directory is: " home-dir)
output-print ""
to join-strings ; join some strings in python
let result joined-strings
output-print (word "Here they are joined: " result)
output-print ""
to-report joined-strings ; helper procedure to join strings using a delimiter
py:set "delim" delimiter
py:set "list" read-from-string string-list
report py:runresult "delim.join(list)"
to to-upper-case ; upper case some Strings in Python
let result joined-strings
py:set "result" result
set result py:runresult "result.upper()"
output-print (word "Here they are in upper case: " result)
output-print ""