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How can we achieve Shared View Model communication between a Fragment and Activity, where the Activity is not the Parent

I am trying to achieve Fragment to Activity communication given that the Activity is not the parent Activity.

So, I have a MainActivity that has a fragment called ContactListFragment, while the add button on the BottomNavigationView of MainActivity is clicked, I am opening another AddContactActivity to add a contact. My requirement is to when I am clicking the save button on the AddContactActivity, I need to initiate a data-sync with server in ContactListFragment. I think the best approach would be to use a Shared View Model for this, but in that Case how should I create the view model so that the lifecycle owner doesn't get changed?

I thought about using the Application Context as the owner but I feel like its an overkill for a task like this, and it may produce some consequences down the line when other modules are added to the project.

So is there a way to efficiently implement this approach? Thanks.


  • Write an interface class with object/objects/Data types you need to sync

    interface OnSaveClickListener {
        fun onSaveClicked(contact: Contact)

    Now in ContactListFragment class

    class ContactListFragment : Fragment(), OnSaveClickListener {
        override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
            (activity as AddContactACtivity).mOnSaveClickListener = this
        override fun onSaveClicked(contact: Contact) {
            // Whatever you want to do with the data

    In AddContactActivity,

    class AddContactActivity {
       var mOnSaveClickListener : OnSaveClickListener? = null
       private void whenYouClickSave(contact: Contact){