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what options to use with rsync to sync online new files to remote ntfs drive?

i run a mixed windows and linux network with different desktops, notebooks and raspberry pis. i am trying to establish an off-site backup between a local raspberry pi and an remote raspberry pi. both run on dietpi/raspbian and have an external hdd with ntfs to store the backup data. as the data to be backuped is around 800GB i already initially mirrored the data on the external hdd, so that only the new files have to be sent to the remote drive via rsync.

i now tried various combinations of options including --ignore-existing --size-only -u -c und of course combinations of other options like -avz etc.

the problem is: nothing of the above really changes anything, the system tries to upload all the files (although they are remotely existing) or at least a good number of them.

could you give me hint how to solve this?


  • I do this exact thing. Here is my solution to this task.

    rsync -re "ssh -p 1234” -K -L --copy-links --append --size-only --delete pi@remote.server.ip:/home/pi/source-directory/* /home/pi/target-directory/

    The options I am using are:

    -r - recursive

    -e - specifies to utilize ssh / scp as a method to transmit data, a note, my ssh command uses a non-standard port 1234 as is specified by -p in the -e flag

    -K - keep directory links

    -L - copy links

    --copy-links - a duplicate flag it would seem...

    --append - this will append data onto smaller files in case of a partial copy

    --size-only - this skips files that match in size

    --delete - CAREFUL - this will delete local files that are not present on the remote device..

    This solution will run on a schedule and will "sync" the files in the target directories with the files from the source directory. to test it out, you can always run the command with --dry-run which will not make any changes at all and only show you what will be transferred and/or deleted...

    all of this info and additional details can be found in the rsync man page man rsync

    **NOTE: I use ssh keys to allow connection/transfer without having to respond to a password prompt between these devices.