Newbie at codeigniter here. how can I save my total amount in my table per user? The only thing I did is to sum it and show it on my view. My target is to save the total commission on my "agent_commission" table". I have provided a screenshot of my target for better visualization. Thank you in advance. Any help will be appreciated.
<?php $formattedNum = number_format($commCurrentBalance, 2);
echo $formattedNum;
public function commi()
$data['activeNav'] = "";
$data['subnav'] = "commissions";
$data['result'] = $this->commissions->get1();
$data['commCurrentBalance']=$this->load->commissions->gettotalcommi(); //getting sum of amount
$this->load->view('comm_view', $data);
function gettotalcommi(){
$reqcommi= $this->session->userdata('uid');
$result = $this->db->get('agent_commission_history')->row();
return $result->amount;
I'm not sure if it will work but please try
$aq = $db->get_compiled_select('agent_commission_history');
This is the Codeigniter equivalent of the query I posted earlier:
UPDATE agent_commission
SET commCurrentBalance = ( SELECT SUM(amount) FROM agent_commission_history WHERE commTo = ?)
WHERE commTo = ?