I am trying to use a Pool of workers python3's multiprocessing library to accelerate a CPU intensive task. I notice that no matter the number of workers in my pool, I always end up getting the following error :
BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe
The code that leads to this error is the following:
def save_result(rincL):
#Save results here
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = Pool(8)
allProcesses = []
for i in range(60):
rincL = RINC_L(2, X_train, y_train[:,i].ravel(), X_test, y_test[:,i].ravel(), 6, i)
allProcesses.append(p.apply_async(rincL.RINC_N, [0]))
#Moved the two following lines based on suggestions in the comment
#Still getting the same error.
for process in allProcesses:
I also noticed that after a while of this program running. The number of processes jumps from 8 to a very high number. Something like 30 processes are spawned:
The child processes were using too much memory and were being killed by the OS.