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Redux Reducer => Cannot convert undefined or null to object

so I have a pretty odd error and I'm not sure why or how to fixit.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object

so what is wrong in here? I have tried to add the default state directly into the reducer how I saw other answers regarding this error but didn't worked for me.


export const createProfile = profileValues => async dispatch => {
  const response = await'/profileApi', profileValues);

  dispatch({ type: CREATE_PROFILE, payload: });


const initialState = {
    values: {}
  export default function(state = initialState, action) {
    switch (action.type) {
      case CREATE_PROFILE:
        return { ...state, []: action.payload };
        return state;


const Profile = (props) => {

    useEffect(() => (props.createProfile()))

    return (

const mapStateToProps = state => {
    return { profile: Object.values(state.profile) };
  export default connect(
    { createProfile }


  • Object.values() can't convert null or undefined to an object with properties it can extract.

    Before the API returns, the mapStateToProps selector tries to get the values of state.profile, which is undefined:

    const mapStateToProps = state => {
      return { profile: Object.values(state.profile) };

    Set the initial value of the profile as an empty object:

    const initialState = {
      values: {
        profile: {}

    Or use a fallback value - {} at the selector's level:

    return { profile: Object.values(state.profile ?? {}) };